Videoconferencing is a form of communication between two or more parties via the medium of video and/or audio. Video conferencing is a mode of communication that is meant to connect groups of individuals rather than individuals themselves.
The first post discusses an activity that the teacher was trying to put together, with the aid of anyone who would reply and assist. The teacher stated that the class was going to begin studying one of the states (in the United States) and wanted to be able to have the students have a videoconference with another class of students in the state of study. The teacher wanted the students to interview the students, in the state of study, to determine what is best about living in that particular state and what it’s like to live there.
I believe that video conferencing is a wonderful way to communicate. It is the next best thing to being in front of someone while you talk to him or her. You are able to take in all of the body language and facial expressions absent in telephone communication. A videoconference like one described above would serve to make the assignment more real to the student, and therefore more interesting. And stimulating interest is a very important strategy for involving students in what they are learning.
I really liked that teacher's idea! I think students would not only enjoy seeing other students from a different state, but that experience would probably help them retain a lot more information than simply memorizing descriptions from a textbook.
I love that state video conference idea too! I would like to do something like that in my class someday! I agree that video conferencing is the next best thing to face-to-face communication because you still can see all the non-verbals which are a huge part of communicating!
Video conferencing is an awesome way to get students connected to other students. This takes the "disconnect" away from communicating in a virtual world so I believe it would be very beneficial in an educational setting. Thanks for reporting on this, I will try to use it in my classroom in the future!
The concept is definitely cool, somewhat similar to the "virtual world" concept that I looked up. But as with all things that include technology, coorporation, and collaboration, only time will tell how well it will catch on. But still...it's like traveling with physically moving. Light on the pocket too!
Video conferencing=collaborative learning. I think that this technology can provide students with a sense of belonging in the education world. Utilizing this tool sets up interactive learning that will engage students' attention. Thanks for posting this!
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